The photo below shows the original (5.6MB) and resized image (640KB) side by side. Make sure to not go too low or your pictures will end up low quality or pixelated/blurry.
Probably the easiest one because all I have to do is set those settings once and I can export images for web lickity-split!įor those who don’t have a Mac or Lightroom but do own Photoshop, watch the video below! All you have to do is resize images to be around 3,000 pixels wide and save a copy! If it still is not under 2 MB bring it down to 2,400 pixels or 2,000 pixels.

Watch the video below to hear my tips when exporting. Lightroom is how I resize my images for web when I want to resize in bulk instead of one by one. Export as JPG and move the quality slider down to 70%.Change the width down to 3000 or 2400 pixels wide.You do not have to do all of these, you can do as many until it is the file size you like!

Using Mac’s default image view program, Preview, you can very easily resize your images without any fancy programs like Lightroom or Photoshop! I actually find Preview very effective and when I need to resize one or two photos I will use this. I’ve show you 3 different ways to resize your photos on different programs: Preview, Lightroom, and Photoshop. Don’t forget to make a duplicate so you still have the original size!.PNG is a larger file size than JPG, so if you do not need a transparent background use JPG.Pictures taken on nice cameras are usually at 300 which is good for print but 72 is the common dpi for web. Resolution (or pixels per inch) can be set to 72.It doesn’t need to be any larger than 3,000 pixels wide.In the KB’s is awesome! (Not sure what a KB or MB is? Read here). No good. I have been resizing images for web for a long time and am sharing the easiest and best ways to get small file sizes while keeping quality. Which is an important question because if you import large images without resizing, your site will load very slow and your readers will get impatient.
The most common question I get as a graphic and web designer is how to resize images for web.